Squadron Cummerbunds are now available, see Squadron Ties Page for details.
The Summer 2024 Newsletter is now in distribution, if you have not recieved your copy please contact the Secretary or Treasurer as soon as possible with your Address update or confirm your Bank details to ensure delivery.
Bookings for tickets for this year's Parade are NOW OPEN. Please contact the Secretary if you wish to attend the 2025 Parade on 9 November.
sReunion News -
2025 Renion/AGM UPDATE
The 2025 reunion will be held in Cambridgeshire at the Holiday Inn at Lakeview CB24 9PH, over the second weekend of October 2025 (tbc). Members will be notified by post of any emergency procedures for the Annual General Meeting and any other relevant information should this not proceed.
This is the year YOU should join the Association, while you can still prop up a Bar !
Where have all the ground-crew gone, what about 7 Sqn Regt Flight - where are you?
If you can remember the Riding School at Handewitte then you are as old as me...so come along and recall the hours in Respirators and AR5's (If you were there you'd know....!!!)
Welcome to all who are serving or have served on
The Association provides all members and ex-members of 7 Squadron, along with relatives or friends, with the opportunity of joining the Association.
Our aims are to maintain a link between current and former Squadron Members regardless of rank or status, to retain the Squadron spirit of pride and cameraderie enjoyed during Squadron Service and to perpetuate the memory of those Squadron members who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country whilst serving on the Squadron. We also provide an archive service for persons seeking information on WWII Squadron Aircrew personnel.
Members benefit from the opportunity to join-in with an annual reunion, a remembrance service at Longstanton Parish church (the Station Church of RAF Oakington) and to participate in the Annual National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in London. We issue an Annual full-colour Newsletter every spring.
2025 Reunion Cambridge
The Annual Association Reunion and AGM took place at the Holiday Inn Impington Cambridge over the weekend 4/5/6th October 2024.
We all joined on Friday in the Bar for a very enjoyable "Happy Hour" followed by an informal dinner in the bar. On Saturday, with fine weather following early morning mist, we enjoyed the local area and facilities, then sitting for a pre-AGM drink in the sunny Hotel quadrangle.
Following the AGM we retired for a semi-formal Dinner and some hardy souls stayed chatting till well past midnight. The following morning we remembered our Fallen Comrades at the Squadron Church at Longstanton where seven names of the Fallen were read.
2025 Reunion
Plans are afoot for the 2025 event to take place over the second weekend of October 2025 (tbc). The venue is the Holiday Inn, Impington, Cambridge. The Hotel is ideally located for easy access from the A14 and within walking distance of Bus services from nearby Histon. This year the AGM will be conducted via video link at a date to be announced, freeing the Saturday for sightseeing or chatting to friends before the evening meal.
Photo: Association Chairman Mal Reeves welcomes new Association President Air Cdre Martin Sharp OBE to his new post at the Reunion 2019 Dinner
Researching a past Aircrew member of the Squadron or seeking information about Operations?
Our Archivist Dave Cheetham will be pleased to help with any enquiry, he holds all the Squadron Operational Records, Forms F540/541 and has copies of the Burial Register for all those who were lost whilst serving on the Squadron.
Please note that little or no information is available about GROUNDCREW members of the Squadron.
Please email Dave at; davidcheetham10@gmail.com
The Association Newsletter is available to all members or on an individual basis from the Chairman for £9.50 (UK postal addresses), which means its as cheap to join and get it gratis - so sign up now.
New Bench for Earith Memorial
See the Earith Memorial Page for details of the New Bench